The site
The site is in Bristol adjoining Brislington Park and Ride and forms part of the city’s future growth plans, in the draft Local Plan. It is in close proximity to Oasis Academy, St Brendan’s College and Sixth Form, Brislington Retail Park and Trading Estate – all within a 5-10 minute walk.

In planning terms it is a highly sustainable and accessible location for a new community, where walking, cycling and use of public transport can be truly maximised, providing the opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions from car use.
The site’s sustainability advantages are why it has been identified as a location for growth in the City Council’s plans. It was first identified in Bristol City Council in 2011 and was subsequently included in various drafts of the new Local Plan, including the version submitted to government for examination in April 2024.
Improving the land
The site was historically used for quarrying and coal mining. It is also near to a former landfill. Our plan is to improve and remediate the site supported by the delivery of new homes.
Protecting nature
Our landscape-led masterplan will keep and improve the habitats within the boundary hedgerows and scrub. Development will take place in areas of lower value to nature.
Public access
The site is not accessible to the public right now. Our plans will change this. Existing residents in this part of Bristol will have access to the new public open spaces, play areas and green routes provided as part of the plans.